2019 Amazon rainforest fire and wildfires .Earth Burning Lungs. Report Writing. full details.

Earth's Burning Lungs :  Amazone Rainforest Fire

Kolkata 27th June:  The last year in 2019 from august 15 to 22 a terible burning happened in Amazon rain forest. Amazon rain forest is considered to be the largest rain forest in the world, covering an area around 5.5 million square Kilomiters. This rain forest is called the 'Lungs of Earth'.It spreads across the nine countries like Peru, Colombia,and minor areas in Venezuela, Ecuador,Bolivia France .Amazon rain forest is the home for the number of animals.Many number of animals are died by burning. It is the sadest incident in 2019.Many trees have been burned and this also causes a lot of economical disaster. Amazon rain forest contributes almost 20%of oxygen .This burning has taken for 16 days and as a result in a major loss of trees and biodiversity.This is a great loss for our world. So,in future,we should be more aware that this kind of incident may not happen again.


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